Limited 2-Year Painting Happiness Guarantee
To provide the best service to our customers and ensure their peace of mind, Liberty Painting offers a limited 2-year painting happiness guarantee for our work. If any areas on your home are not taken care of properly, you can be sure problems will show up in the first 2 years. We stand by our work and will come out to fix up any problem areas that you may find. You can expect your 2-year happiness guarantee paint job to last anywhere from 5-7 years. Some customers would like a paint job that lasts longer than 5-7 years. If that is you, we recommend doing 2 coats to give you extra protection around your home. If you would like an estimate for 2 coats, you can expect that to last 7-10 years for 30% more of the cost.
Learn More About Our 2-Year Happiness Guarantee
The happiness guarantee offered at Liberty Painting is for a period of 2 years, or 24 months, from the date that the Customer Satisfaction Survey (email/text) is completed. This warranty covers peeling and blistering due to defective workmanship. This warranty is not transferable.
In order to qualify for the warranty, the customer must:
1. Customer must pay in full at the time of job completion to Liberty Painting
2. Complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey (email/text)
3. Retain the Original Contract
If these conditions are met, Liberty Painting will perform repairs with no labor charge. We will perform repairs only for the original customer.