Why Exterior Painting is Important

Wondering why exterior painting is important? Let the experts at Liberty Painting breakdown five serious reasons why you should be regularly painting your home’s exterior.

The most obvious reason why exterior painting is important is that properly-maintained exterior paint adds to the value of your home. In contrast, exterior painting that needs to be redone will lead to unsightly conditions such as peeling, fading, cracking, nail holes, and dilapidated peeling siding. Read on to learn the top reasons why it’s vital to paint the exterior of your house.

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Peeling exterior paint on a home

5 Problems with Poorly-Maintained Exterior Paint

A nice fresh set of paint on the outside of a house can dramatically improve appearance and value. But when exterior paint is not maintained, there are plenty of problems that can come up. So, if you’re wondering why to paint the exterior of your house, consider: would you want any of the following descriptions to apply to your home? (We didn’t think so.)

1. Peeling

  • Where is it found?
    • Door trim, garage trim, railings, and posts.
  • How does this happen?
    • Moisture usually sits and breaks down the paint on your home’s exterior.
  • How serious is peeling paint?
    • When the paint is peeling, moisture can seep into and damage the wood, resulting in rotted boards that need to be replaced.
  • How do you fix peeling paint on the outside of the house?
    • Scrape, sand, prime.

Our Peeling Paint Repair Process

Scraping removes the damaged paint. Sanding creates a smooth surface area that allows for a stronger bond with the paint. Primer protects the paint and better adheres it to the wood. This creates great protection and will last longer. So, if you’re wondering, “Does exterior paint protect wood,” the answer is yes, when properly prepared and protected.

2. Fading

  • Where is it found?
    • Sides of the house that are exposed to the most sunlight. This is typically the South and West sides.
  • How does this happen?
    • Exposure to the sun will eventually break down the resin (hardener) in the paint.
  • How serious is fading paint?
    • Eventually, the side loses its protection, resulting in warped boards. Once the board is warped, the only solution is to replace the damaged boards.
  • How do you fix fading paint on the outside of the house?
    • Power wash and use a quality paint. We recommend a second coat or a coat of primer for fading sides.

Our Fading Paint Repair Process

We power wash to get the chalking paint off the house to have a good surface to paint on. Using our liquid vinyl paint, we give it a thick coat to protect it from the sun. The side that is exposed to the most sunlight will benefit from a second coat or a coat of primer, because this will increase the longevity of the paint job.

3. Cracking

  • Where is it found?
    • Joints where siding boards meet trim boards, or where trim boards meet trim boards. Usually around windows and doors.
  • How does paint cracking happen?
    • Typically, contractors use inexpensive caulking. Dramatic weather changes can crack the caulking.
  • How serious is cracking paint?
    • Once there is a crack, moisture infiltrates into the crack and damages the back of the board where it is unprotected. This leads to the board warping away from the side of the house. Once the board becomes warped, the sole remedy is to substitute it with a new one.
  • How do you fix cracking paint?
    • We use a 45 year siliconized acrylic caulking to seal any vulnerable areas.

Our Paint Cracking Repair Process

Re-caulking a crack using a higher quality caulking will prevent moisture intrusion. Higher quality caulking is less likely to crack when temperature changes rapidly, increasing the longevity. Homeowners won’t need to worry about future moisture intrusion, and it will even save on heating bills.

4. Nail Holes

  • Where is it found?
    • On the siding where it was nailed in.
  • What is the risk with nail holes?
    • Moisture sits in the small nail hole, and the siding around that area will begin to swell.
  • How do you fix nail holes?
    • We caulk the nail holes and fill them with caulking, such that no more moisture will sit in those holes.

Our Nail Hole Repair Process

We can’t fix the damage that has already been done by the nail, but we can prevent further damage by caulking the nail hole. This will keep moisture running down the side of the house instead of sitting in the hole and swelling the siding.

5. Peeling Siding

  • Where is it found?
    • Underneath siding boards. It is usually the North side of the house, or the side that is exposed to limited sunlight.
  • How does peeling siding happen?
    • One of the main reasons paint peels on exterior wood or stucco surfaces is the presence of water/moisture. The moisture infiltrates to the back of the boards/shingles then penetrates the wood and ends up behind the paint film, which breaks down the paint and causes peeling. This is very common when contractors don’t apply paint directly underneath the siding board.
  • How serious is peeling siding?
    • Once the paint has broken down underneath the siding board, it begins to swell up. It can quickly lead to rotting side boards.
  • How do you fix peeling siding?
    • We need to sand down the peeling siding, then prime it to reseal it. When we paint, we make sure to spray the bottom of the boards to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Our Peeling Siding Repair Process

If we don’t sand down the siding, the paint will not stick, and this problem will be back in a year. Since the siding is already damaged, paint won’t adhere very well. We need to apply a layer of primer to the board before applying paint. Once we’ve sanded and sealed it up with primer, the surface will be ready for a new coat of paint. If we do this properly, we expect the boards to be protected against moisture and lasing.

Leave the Exterior Painting to the Pros

Exterior painting is more important than just the look of your home. It is a key player in protecting the integrity of your home. Now that you know why exterior painting is important, you’re probably ready to get the painting process started. Contact Liberty Painting if you’re interested in our professional painting services for your home.